Expanding Your Website's Content

With Taste Tidewater Tours, it was important to have a page on their site about the history of the region. Many tourists travel to Hampton Roads in search of historical destinations, of which there are many. By putting content on their site that spoke about the history of the region, we were drawing in visitors we may have missed if all the site's content focused on beer and wine. 

Web content is about more than just writing down what you do, offer or sell. When we create web content we think about all potential customers and what they may be searching for that is related to your business in some way. This is an organic keyword practice - something Google and other search engines naturally respond to when listing search engine results. 

Contact us today for a free quote or to find out about our web content audit services, where we can help you figure out what your site could be doing better and how to get it running as a lean, mean content machine. 

Rachel Burns