When you create content, you want to get the most out of it. You don't just write a blog then let it sit on your site, hoping someone will happen upon it and read it.
That's a pretty good reason to carefully consider your brand. Because unless you're Wal-Mart or Amazon or can somehow guarantee the lowest price, you're going to need to give people a reason to choose you over everyone else.
Content marketing is the thing you don't notice if it's being done well and the thing that can hold up an entire project, campaign or even a new company if it's not done well. Content marketing is how every piece of collateral, whether it's your website, fliers, business cards, social media posts, emails or blog speaks to your audience (read: customers).
If newspapers are a dying breed (and we're not saying they are), then there is at least one lesson we should take away from them before they are extinct (which we hope they never become) - the editorial calendar.
Determining how technology communicates with people falls into the broad categories of User Experience and User Interaction. (UX and UI, respectively). User Experience requires looking at myriad aspects of both the human and technology factors. See below:
How many times have you gotten to 90% on a project then spent days, weeks or even months waiting on the last 10% from your client? And how many times has that last 10% that you've been waiting on been content?
Writing for the web is different than writing in any other format. People read, perceive and retain information differently on the web than they do on paper, billboards, signage and other physical places. In addition, people read different kinds of web content differently.
E-newsletters are an easy way to maintain contact with your customers or supporters. They can provide news, specials, events, contact information, and special coupons and deals for newsletter subscribers only.
Information Architecture (IA) is a fancy name for how content is organized on a website. Good IA increases findability on a website and helps connect site visitors with the information, product or service they are looking for.
A few weeks ago, a website called Movoto, an online real estate site, published an article on the Top Ten Most Boring Cities in America. Chesapeake, VA was rated #3. Chesapeake, VA also happens to be the city in which The Chop Shop operates and in which we reside.
Web content is about more than just writing down what you do, offer or sell. When we create web content we think about all potential customers and what they may be searching for that is related to your business in some way.
May 12 - 16, 2014 is National Small Business Week. Think "small" and "local" are just new buzz words used for marketing? Au contraire. Small Business Week has been in existence since 1963.
Does your business website have a blog? If it doesn't, it should. This infographic explains why blogging is so critical to your site's search engine ranking and visibility.